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Maintenance of the BWP South Groves

Our work continues the efforts of our partner groups to enhance the riparian area of the Anacostia River. Over the last 10 years, under the direction of the Anacostia Watershed Society, we have conducted many events along the Anacostia River Walk Trail South of BWP including the banks of Quincy Run. Our current focus is on the new trees planted Earthday 2023 east of the Riverwalk Trail along the Boardwalk, and also  the older trees to the west of the boardwalk. ​The bulk of our work will consist of clearing invasive vines and repairing tree protection cages.

View the video below for some words from Jorge Bogantes of the Anacostia Watershed Society, who oversees the project.

2023 dead ash trees.jpg

The emerald ash borer (EAB) began killing ash trees in the National Capital Region (NCR) in 2014. The EAB is an invasive beetle that lays eggs in cracks in ash tree bark, killing the trees by feeding on the tissue that transports water and sugar. 

Large ash groves along the Anacostia, including Quincy Point and areas east of the boardwalk near the Waterfront Park, were decimated by the ash borer.

The work we do will help restore the forest. New trees are selected to suit the site conditions - primarily wetland and flood plain species. Before planting, invasives vines must be removed. This important work must be done frequently while the trees are establishing. Without maintenance the vines soon overwhelm young trees. Wire cages help protect young trees from vines and damage from wildlife including beavers and deer..


  • secure wire cages - repair or replace damaged cages - reuse cages from dead trees.

  • remove ties and other objects constricting branches

  • remove vines within 6 feet of tree cages

  • collect brush in piles. do not remove from site 


  • be safe

  • send pictures and comments

  • let me know if you DO NOT want your picture on partner Websites.

  • enjoy the river!

​© 2013 by Friends of Quincy Run Watershed. All rights reserved

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