Friends of Quincy Run prepare for AWS Earthday 2015
With Earthday Activities just weeks away (Saturday, April 25th) Friends of Quincy Run are finalizing plans to remove trash from the entire length of the stream. We estimate that will take 200 volunteers and 10 site leads, and have planned 6 staging areas along the stream corridor. All volunteers should register in advance at . On the day of the event, we will gather north of the footbridge located at Newton and 52nd Ave in Bladensburg, and then disburse to staging areas. Advance registration will reserve your t-shirt and expedite collection of waivers, not to mention facilitate planning! Walk ons are welcome, and we will do our best to have t-shirts for you. All persons wishing to serve as site leads, or groups wishing to work together should contact Marian at or 301 775 1191.
Prizes will be awarded to the 2 people who find our featured bottle snag and count the bottles trapped. A prize will also be awarded to the person who most closely guesses the total from our published picture. Submit all guesses to Marian at the event or in advance. We are looking forward to a fun and productive event.
More details on the News and Past Events page.