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RAINWORKS: Gardener to the First Lady leads workshop

Chris (far right) and the "early birds" at the Laney's raingarden

Today the Rainworks Team welcomed Dr. Christopher Puttock to our watersheds to lead a plant selection workshop. Chris, Executive Director of Chesapeake Natives, joined us for a tour of 7 of our project sites, advised us, recommended plants, and answered our many questions. We were very excited to find some native plants among the flora inhabiting our yards, including some very nice grasses and mosses in Eric's yard and a beautiful elm in Sara's. We were all concerned with the extent of English Ivy choking our trees and the forests of bamboo escaping from neighboring yards. The group agreed to work with the neighbors to eliminate these dangerous plants. After the tour we went back to my house and were treated to a slide show and discussion of the reintroduction of native plants to our area. Each member of the team will work out their planting plans in anticipation of our visit to the nursery in Rosaryville to purchase our plants. Then comes the real fun - installing them in their new homes.

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